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Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Have a look at our FAQ page.

Why do some leather gloves contain Chromium?

Tanning is the process of treating skins and hides of animals to produce leather, which is more durable and less susceptible to decomposition. Once completed there can be chromium VI within the treated leather which has led to chromium VI being listed as a substance of very high concern (SVHC) within the European REACH legislation and limited to 3PPM within EN420.

Are your gloves launderable? How? How many times?

As part of our Handcare program all our gloves are post-washed to ensure they are fresh out of the pack as certified by Oeko-Tex. They are also designed to be laundered upto 6 times.

Do you have a puncture resistant, heat resistant, cut resistant glove that is breathable and oil resistant?

YES, we could make a glove combining all of those characteristics however it would have one major drawback: COMFORT. Glove selection often involves the prioritisation of needs and accepting some trade-offs to find the most suitable glove for the work being done. We offer four glove brands to meet the needs of glove wearers.

Do you have instructions for use?

Yes we do - please see your ATG® representative who can supply you with this information.